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Sweat fabrics

Sweat fabrics, also known as sweatshirt fabrics, are usually made of cotton, sometimes supplemented with a small amount of elastane or polyester to increase stretch and shape retention. The inside of the fabric is brushed and feels soft against the skin, while the outer layer is smooth. This design not only provides comfort but also good insulation, making sweat fabrics ideal for cool weather conditions and sports activities.

Typical clothing items made from sweat fabrics include sweatshirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and sweaters.

002 light blue
004 turquoise
005 corn blue
006 steel blue
008 navy
011 pink
014 old pink
015 red
022 mint
023 apple
024 petrol
025 green
028 fir
034 curry
050 white
051 cream
052 beige
054 grey-brown
061 light gray
061 light gray mottled
063 gray mottled
068 dark gray mottled
069 black
117 pink
027 khaki
125 moos
323 seegrün
035 gelb
153 braun
236 lachs
155 d.braun
056 steinrot
018 bordeaux
013 koralle
113 nude
042 lila
047 aubergine
106 jeansblau
€11,30 per m
005 royal blue
008 navy
011 pink
015 red
017 fuchsia
062 light gray
069 black
401 denim blue
652 light beige
€14,90 per m