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Summer decorative fabrics

Summer decorative fabrics include versatile textiles ideal for decorating indoor and outdoor spaces during the warmer seasons. They are characterized by light materials, fresh colors and airy designs that capture the sunny ambience of summer.

The use of summer decorative fabrics extends to tablecloths, pillowcases, curtains, wall hangings and even furniture covers. They add a lively and refreshing atmosphere to any room, capturing the joy and lightness of the warm season.

€11,90 per m
€11,90 per m
€11,90 per m
€11,90 per m
005 blue
006 light blue
008 navy
011 salmon
015 stone red
024 petrol
034 ochre
046 berry
051 cream
053 beige
063 gray
069 black
022 light green
027 sea green
€15,90 per m
€14,90 per m
€14,90 per m
€14,90 per m
€14,90 per m
001 Wild Flowers
002 Colorful violets
003 Colorful flowers
004 Eucalyptus
005 Botanical Flowers
006 Green shrub
007 Palm leaves
008 Tropical Green
009 Tropical Leaves
010 Lemons
011 Olives
012 Graphic pattern
013 Tropical beige
014 Wooden boards
015 Fish
€14,90 per m
118 dark red
128 dark green
151 cream
153 cream on natural
163 medium gray
168 d.gray
€21,90 per m
001 Retro Flower
002 Lavender
004 Roses pink
005 White Rose
€21,60 per m
002 light blue
003 ochre
005 navy
006 jeansblau
007 Sand
008 terra
015 red
022 mint
023 hellgrün
043 flieder
052 light brown
061 light gray
069 black
078 khaki
€15,90 per m