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Outdoor fabrics

Outdoor fabrics include all fabrics that are suitable for outdoor use. They are usually UV-resistant and very robust, so they can withstand wind and weather. You can use it to sew new covers for the lounge or deck chair. Create decorative cushions or simply sew a new tablecloth for the garden table.
008 dark blue
015 red
017 pink
025 green
050 white
052 vanilla
061 light gray
069 black
€21,60 per m
005 blue
006 light blue
008 navy
011 salmon
015 stone red
024 petrol
034 ochre
046 berry
051 cream
053 beige
063 gray
069 black
022 light green
027 sea green
€15,90 per m
€10,40 per m
€14,90 per m
€14,90 per m
€14,90 per m